Measuring Affective States Across Species In Relation to Pain

  • Jennifer Lofgren (Chair)
  • Duncan Lascelles (Organiser)
  • Nick Andrews (Member of programme committee)
  • Mette S Herskin (Member of programme committee)
  • Wenlong Huang (Member of programme committee)
  • Constanza Meneses (Member of programme committee)
  • Victor Owoyele (Member of programme committee)
  • Daniel Pang (Member of programme committee)
  • Andrew Rice (Member of programme committee)
  • Dale Sandercock (Member of programme committee)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganising a conference, workshop, ...


The affective component of pain is a significant contributor to the more global experience of patient suffering. Opioids alleviate the negative affective component of pain and make the pain less aversive. However, affective state is not just a product of pain, it can also be a driver of pain. Pre-surgical catastrophizing reliably predicts a higher self-reported pain score after the surgery. A number of interventions to reduce pre-surgical anticipatory anxiety successfully modify post-surgical pain in a variety of patient populations. Beyond traditional measures of evoked stimuli, the ability to study the bidirectional relationship between pain and affective state in animal models requires new tools be added to the in-vivo scientist’s toolbox. Methods of evaluating affective state in animals will be introduced in several common pre-clinical animal model species: mouse, rat, dog, and pig. This will be a ‘hands-off’ workshop where the focus will be on describing the methodology of measuring the affective state across different species used in pain research. At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees will have a clear understanding of what is involved in setting up such assays, and of the feasibility, and be able to envision how they could incorporate these assays into their research programs.
Period30 Jun 2021
Event typeWorkshop
LocationAmsterdam, NetherlandsShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Affective state
  • Animal models
  • Animal welfare
  • Pain
  • Pain assessment
  • Pain research
  • Mouse
  • Rat
  • Dog
  • Pig
  • Suffering
  • Assessment methods