The future of youth in rural areas: responsibilities of local and regional authorities

  • Jayne Glass (Speaker)

Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation typesInvited talk


Based on the proposal by the Council of Europe’s Advisory Council on Youth to work on the challenges faced by rural youth and following an exchange of views on the issue during its remote meeting on 7 May 2021, the Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Current Affairs Committee decided to draft a report on the future of youth in rural areas.

Jayne Glass drafted that report and presented the key findings at the meeting of the Committee on 18 November 2021 in Strasbourg.

The final report with adopted resolution and recommendation is available here:

In the Committee meeting, the co-Rapporteurs Jimmy Moloney, Ireland, and Aida Jalilzada, Azerbaijan, presented the draft explanatory memorandum, the preliminary draft Resolution and the preliminary draft Recommendation. The contributing expert, Dr Jayne Glass, Scotland’s Rural College, then presented her research, which formed the basis for the explanatory memorandum and replied to questions from the Committee.
Period18 Nov 2021
Held atCouncil of Europe, France
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • council of europe
  • young people
  • youth
  • rural
  • europe