Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Unravelling the route to IPM uptake Media name/outlet Farmers Guardian Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 13/11/21 Description IPM plan
Dr Henry Creissen, of SRUC, who alongside the NFU and the Voluntary Initiative, has developed an IPM assessment plan which includes a metric that gives farmers an IPM score out of 100, said all but 1 per cent of farmers used a qualified agronomist to advise on IPM and most relied on their agronomist’s recommendations/decided an IPM strategy together.
According to the data, the farms with the highest IPM scores engaged in events such as crop walks and open days, were members of discussion groups and worked closely with their agronomist.
Dr Creissen added: “Sometimes we have seen in the past a slight preference to an independent agronomist. We are not entirely sure if this is related to the advice that is given or whether it is related to farm area. Those larger farms often have higher IPM scores and tend to favour independent agronomists.”
But IPM should not only be the responsibility of the grower and the agronomist, Dr Creissen said.
“The barriers to adoption may be technical, economic, behavioural, regulatory or due to demands imposed by the supply chain. Ware potato growers recognised the retailer was taking IPM decisions out of their hands. It is the same for the Scottish barley sector and maltsters deciding which variety they should grow. There is no real incentive for them to change their ways.”
Producer/Author Alice Dyer URL Persons Henry Creissen
Title | British Crop Production Council Congress |
Location | Harrogate, Yorkshire, , United Kingdom |
Period | 1 Nov 2021 → 3 Nov 2021 |