Additional file 2: Table S1. Microbial gene abundances in rumen microbiome (analyzed after an additive log-ratio transformation) with significant host genomic effects referred to as host-specific functional core microbiome (HGFC). Table S2. Occupancy rates and heritabilities of micobial gene abundances (analyzed after an additive log-ratio transformation) involved in lipolysis and biohydrogenation processes in rumen found in our population. Table S3. Host genomic correlations between heritable additive log-ratio transformed microbial gene abundances and N3 and CLA Indices in beef with propbability of being positive of negative >95% (marked in bold). Table S4. The 963 different microbial genera in rumen carrying the 372 heritable additive log-ratio transformed microbial gene abundances both positively or negatively genomically correlated with N3 and CLA inidces in beef. Table S5. Composition of clusters from a co-abundance network analysis1 among phenotypic values (after correction for trial and diet) of the 110 additive log-ratio transformed microbial gene abundances genomically correlated with N3 and CLA indices with the same sign. Table S6. Composition of clusters from a co-abundance network analysis1 among estimated genomic breeding values of the 110 additive log-ratio transformed microbial gene abundances genomically correlated with N3 and CLA indices with the same sign. Table S7. Micorbial genes selected for breeding purpouses based on mean relative abundance (RA)>0.01%, significant genomic effects, host genomic correlation with N3 and CLA indices positively or negatively (P0 > 0.95) and significantly explaining part of the genomic variance inherent in the 110 additive-log transformed microbial genes. Table S8. Host genomic correlations between additive log-ratio transformed micorbial genes selected for breeding purpouses and methane emissions (g/kg dry matter intake). Table S9. Experimental design displaying the number of animals within each breed, diet and experiment. Table S10. Raw fatty acid composition (% of total fatty acids) and methane emissions (g/kg of dry matter intake) in beef cattle measured in 245 and 285 animals, respectively. Table S11. Correspondance between COG abreviations and full names.
Date made available | 2022 |
Publisher | Figshare |