This dataset was generated on 2024-01-11 by Aisling Moffat, for the Wiley, Journal of Applied Entomology publication entitled: Long term effects of management intensity and bioclimatic variables on leatherjacket (Tipula paludosa Meigen) populations at farm-scale.Date of data collection: 2009-12-08 to 2018-01-16Geographic location of data collection: Various locations in Scotland: Ayrshire, Dumfries, Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, Stirlingshire, Stranraer.DATA & FILE OVERVIEWFiles:Filename: LJHistoricData_AmMoffat.xlsxDescription: Used for linear mixed effect model. Response variable of larval counts, and random effect as Farm.Filename: MetData_AMoffat.xlsxDescription: Data used to assess the effect of temperature and rainfall on each life stage of Tipula paludosa.Filename: TMI_Calc_Codes_AMoffat.xlsxDescription: Dataset showing the breakdown of each variable and its categories, alongside their associated intensity score.Filename: TMI_Calc_AMoffat.xlsxDescription: Dataset showing how the Total Management Intensity (TMI) scores were calculated per field (as per Anhar et al., 2021 between files:TMI_Calc_Codes_AMoffat.xlsx explains the ranking and scoring of categories in TMI_Calc_AMoffat.xlsx.Are there multiple versions of the dataset? NoDescription of methods used for collection/generation of data:Field sites included within this study were sampled uniformly between 2009 and 2018. Landowner permission was sought prior to soil sampling, and all locations were anonymized for data analysis. All sites were under grassland management regimes, and 25 cylindrical soil cores (of 6.5 cm diameter x 10 cm length) were collected in each field, as in the methods of McCracken et al., (1994)( Leatherjacket larvae were extracted through the Blasdale (1974)( method, using a heat source from above to expel the soil organisms. Field counts were extrapolated to population/ha, by transforming the total surface area of all cores to one hectare. Field areas ranged from 2.3 to 22.3 ha. Throughout the time of Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) annual leatherjacket surveys, where possible, SRUC aimed to re-visit and sample the same fields each year in the autumn/winter period. Access to a limited range of historic data in relation to these fields was subsequently obtained. This included the size of field, field aspect, altitude, time since cultivation, use of field and details of field applications including, but not limited to, fertiliser and pesticide.
- farm management intensity
- pest
- long-term data
- Tipula
- agriculture
- leatherjacket
- annual survey