Projects per year
Search results
The impact of peat-free growing media and the emergence of sciarid flies (Sciaridae) as a pest or just a nuisance in Scotland.
Surendran, A. (PI)
1/04/24 → 1/08/24
Project: Research
PHC2023/05: The impact of agricultural policy reforms on plant health risks in Scotland: Guidance on maximizing plant health benefits.
Topp, K. (PI), Creissen, H. (Researcher), Cole, L. (Researcher) & Havis, N. (Researcher)
1/03/24 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
Quantifying 'Ag of the middle' in the North Highlands of Scotland
Botero Degiovanni, H. (PI), Creissen, H. (CoPI), Cole, L. (CoPI), Gibson-Poole, S. (CoPI) & Hanton, D. (Specialist)
19/02/24 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
RDE357: Amenity Pest, Weed and Disease Management evidence review
Creissen, H. (PI) & Surendran, A. (CoI)
2/10/23 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
IPM253b : NFU Integrated Pest Management – evidence and guidance for implementing the IPM Standard
Creissen, H. (PI) & Botero Degiovanni, H. (CoI)
1/10/23 → 12/07/24
Project: Research
Understanding farmer / agronomist perceptions for decision making in crop health and the impact of that on key metrics such as IPM scores and pesticide usage
Creissen, H. (PI), Botero Degiovanni, H. (CoPI), Maloney, K. (CoI) & Burgess, P. (CoI)
27/02/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Potential of biocontrol for the sustainable management of plant diseases in Scotland: Opportunities and barriers
Rees, H. (PI)
1/02/23 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
IPM Non Broadacre Crop Review
Bowsher-Gibbs, M. (PI), Burnett, F. (PI) & Creissen, H. (PI)
1/11/21 → 28/02/22
Project: Consultancy
IPM-N: Mapping information networks that influence farmer behaviours related to IPM adoption (MINIF)
Meador, E. (PI) & Creissen, H. (CoI)
31/03/21 → 30/09/21
Project: Research
EtT: Exploring the Twitterverse: Developing novel approaches to scaling the dissemination of expert knowledge on social media platforms in Scotland.
Meador, E. (PI) & Creissen, H. (CoI)
1/12/20 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
IPM T&T: Environmental Land Management - Integrated Pest Management Test and Trial
Creissen, H. (CoPI), Meador, E. (Researcher) & Evans, A. (Researcher)
1/12/20 → 31/10/21
Project: Other
Effect of Alternative chemistry on Rcc growth
Havis, N. (PI), Crawford, C. (CoI), Fortune, J. (CoI), Kasperek, C. (CoI) & Swaney, J. (CoI)
16/12/19 → 30/04/20
Project: Research
Review of evidence on Integrated Pest Management
Creissen, H. (PI) & Evans, A. (CoI)
17/10/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
Understanding the genetic basis for Ramularia resistance in barley
Havis, N. (PI) & Roehrig, L. (PhD Student)
1/10/19 → 30/09/23
Project: PhD project
Autums survey of wheat bulb fly incidence 2019-21
Evans, A. (PI) & Dussart, F. (CoI)
16/09/19 → 30/09/21
Project: Research
‘Disease management and yield of winter barley grown under different tillage regimes
Creissen, H. (PI)
1/09/19 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Seed treatment and controlled condition experiment
Havis, N. (PI), Crawford, C. (CoI) & Dussart, F. (CoI)
Arysta LifeScience UK and Ireland
14/06/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
RESAS Strategic Research Programme 2016-21 WP2.3 Productive and sustainable land management
Wall, E. (PI), Smith, S. (CoI), Nicoll, L. (CoI), Parker, J. (CoI), Robertson, D. (CoI), Davidson, R. (CoI), Donbavand, J. (CoI), Anderson, C. (CoI), Roehe, R. (CoI), Harrison, B. (CoI), Purcell, L. (CoI), Duthie, C.-A. (CoI), Gunn, G. (CoI), Pritchard, T. (CoI), Jones, S. (CoI), Bagnall, A. (CoI), Vosough Ahmadi, B. (CoI), Archibald, I. (CoI), Rees, B. (CoI), Eory, V. (CoI), Glenk, K. (CoI), Edwards, T. (CoI), Buckingham, S. (CoI), March, M. (CoI), Broadbent, C. (CoI), Cloy, J. (CoI), Hargreaves, P. (CoI), Wishart, H. (CoI), Griffiths, B. (CoI), Fox, N. (CoI), Sparks, N. (CoI), Shrestha, S. (CoI), Banos, G. (CoI), Henry, M. (CoI), Watson, C. (CoI), Dickinson, J. (CoI), Topp, K. (CoI), Burnett, F. (CoI), Kyle, J. (CoI), Denholm, S. (CoI), Dewhurst, R. (CoI), Lawson, D. (CoI), McCubbin, I. (CoI), Dwyer, C. (CoI), Holland, J. (CoI), McCracken, D. (CoI), Barratt, A. (CoI), Havis, N. (CoI), Stanisz-Migal, M. (CoI), Miller, G. (CoI), Bowen, J. (CoI), Hutchings, M. (CoI), Creissen, H. (CoI), D'Eath, R. (CoI), Baddeley, J. (CoI), Houdijk, J. (CoI), Coffey, M. (CoI), Morgan-Davies, C. (CoI), Walker, R. (CoI), Turner, S. (CoI), Haskell, M. (CoI), Barnes, A. (CoI), Athanasiadou, S. (CoI), Cole, L. (CoI), Sandilands, V. (CoI), McLaren, A. (CoI), MacLeod, M. (CoI) & Smith, L. (CoI)
1/04/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
RESAS Strategic Research Programme 2016-21 WP2.3 Productive and sustainable land management
Havis, N. (PI) & Creissen, H. (CoI)
1/04/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
RESAS Strategic Research Programme 2016-21 WP2.1 Crop and grassland production and disease control
Creissen, H. (PI), Harrison, B. (CoI), Gorniak, K. (CoI), Bain, R. (CoI), Yoxall, T. (CoI), Paterson, L. (CoI), Evans, A. (CoI), Burnett, F. (CoI), Havis, N. (CoI) & Laing, A. (CoI)
1/04/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
Agronomic and disease control techniques to produce a profitable winter barley crop
Creissen, H. (PI)
1/07/18 → 30/12/21
Project: Research
RESAS Strategic Research Programme 2016-21 WP2.1 Crop and grassland production and disease control
Hoad, S. (PI), Crawford, C. (CoI), Bingham, I. (CoI), Hoebe, P. (CoI), Brennan, M. (CoI), Paterson, L. (CoI), Topp, K. (CoI), Baddeley, J. (CoI), Miller, S. (CoI), Stanisz-Migal, M. (CoI), Taylor, J. (CoI), Harrison, B. (CoI), Baker, L. (CoI), Gorniak, K. (CoI), Whyte, F. (CoI), Bain, R. (CoI), Yoxall, T. (CoI), Laing, A. (CoI), Griffiths, B. (CoI), Watson, C. (CoI), Evans, A. (CoI), Burnett, F. (CoI), Irvine, S. (CoI), Lawson, D. (CoI), Havis, N. (CoI), Creissen, H. (CoI), Dussart, F. (CoI), Houdijk, J. (CoI), Walker, R. (CoI) & Swaney, J. (CoI)
1/04/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
RESAS Strategic Research Programme 2016-21 WP2.1 Crop and grassland production and disease control
Creissen, H. (PI), Gorniak, K. (CoI), Bain, R. (CoI), Yoxall, T. (CoI), Paterson, L. (CoI), Evans, A. (CoI), Burnett, F. (CoI) & Havis, N. (CoI)
1/04/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
Demonstrating and promoting the potential benefits of using drone-captured imagery to farmers
Evans, A. (PI)
1/12/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Use of varietal mixtures of winter barley
Creissen, H. (PI), Stanisz-Migal, M. (CoI) & Fortune, J. (CoI)
1/10/17 → 1/12/20
Project: Research
Potential benefits of commercially available fungal endophytes on the control of the major wheat diseases
Havis, N. (PI)
1/10/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Resistance elicitors to induce the inherent genetic resistance to eyespot and foliar diseases in varieties of wheat crops
Havis, N. (PI)
1/09/16 → 31/03/19
Project: Research