4 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Amielia Miller with the persons below:
Mia Aitchison
- Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Veterinary & Animal Sciences - Bar - Lecturer
- Scotland's Rural College - Lecturer
Person: Academic contract that is teaching only
Hazel Highet
- Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Veterinary & Animal Sciences - Bar - Lecturer
- Scotland's Rural College - Lecturer
Person: Academic contract that is teaching only
Kirsty Young
- Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Veterinary & Animal Sciences - Bar - Head of Department
- Scotland's Rural College - Head of Department
Person: Academic contract that is teaching only
Stephen Kings
- Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Veterinary & Animal Sciences - Bar - Lecturer
- Scotland's Rural College - Lecturer
Person: Academic contract that is teaching only