12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Carol-Anne Duthie with the persons below:
Rainer Roehe
- Agriculture & Land-based Engineering, Beef & Sheep Research Centre - Professor
- Scotland's Rural College - Professor
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Gemma Miller
- Agriculture & Land-based Engineering, Beef & Sheep Research Centre - Research Fellow
- Scotland's Rural College - Research Fellow
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Richard Dewhurst
- Agriculture & Business Management,
- Agriculture & Business Management, Biorefining And Advanced Materials Research Centre
- Scotland's Rural College - Head of Dairy Research Centre
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Joana Lima
- Agriculture & Business Management, Dairy Research Centre - Research Associate
- Scotland's Rural College - Research Associate
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Marie Haskell
- Animal And Veterinary Sciences, Animal Welfare - Professor
- Scotland's Rural College - Professor
Person: Academic contract that is research only
John Newbold
- Agriculture & Business Management, Dairy Research Centre - Professor of Dairy Nutrition
- Global climate emergency
- Agriculture & Business Management, Biorefining And Advanced Materials Research Centre
- Scotland's Rural College - Professor of Dairy Nutrition
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Jamie Newbold
- Executive, CEO - Provost and Deputy Principal
- Scotland's Rural College - Provost and Deputy Principal
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Caroline Argo
- Scotland's Rural College - Dean of Veterinary Medicine and Head of School
Person: Academic contract that is both teaching and research
Colin Mason
- Food Security Challenge Centre
- Scotland's Rural College - Veterinary Centre Manager
Person: Academic contract that is neither teaching nor research
Nicola Lambe
- Integrated Land Management, Hill & Mountain Research Centre - Reader
- Food Security Challenge Centre
- Scotland's Rural College - Reader
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Eileen Wall
- Head Of Research,
- Scotland's Rural College - Head of Research
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Salvatore Galgano
- Agriculture & Land-based Engineering, Monogastric Science Research - Lecturer
- Agriculture & Business Management, Biorefining And Advanced Materials Research Centre
- Scotland's Rural College - Lecturer
Person: Academic contract that is research only