Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
I am an applied economist working on the area of agricultural and food economics. I have a PhD in agricultural and resource economics (University of California-Davis) with specialisation in industrial organisation, international trade, and econometrics. His work covers the analysis of whole agri-food supply chains (agriculture, processing, distribution, retailing and consumption) operation and their environment. I have a strong background in quantitative methods and in computer programming.
Teaching and Supervision of PhD and Master Students
The College Postgraduate Administration of the University of Edinburgh awarded me the status of Principal Supervisor and Internal Examiner in 2012.
Recent supervisions and teaching
I have been first supervisor of the following MSc. students:
- Ms. Jodie Clark on the thesis “Living La Vida Local: Exploring the Possibilities of Adopting a Local Diet in Edinburgh” (MSc. in Environment and Development, University of Edinburgh) 2011-2012.
- Ms. Jennifer Roe on the thesis “Developing a Local Food Program at the College Level: Lessons from Farm-to-College Programs in the USA” (MSc. in Environment and Development, University of Edinburgh) 2011-2012.
- Mr. Neil Chalmers on the thesis “Has the 2006 reform of the EU sugar regime affected the demand for sugar related products in Scotland?” (MSc. in Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen) 2011-2012.
- Ms. Adriana Romas on the thesis “An analysis of the available supply of urban and peri-urban food in Edinburgh” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2012-2013.
- Ms. Niamh O’Connor on the thesis “A critical analysis of the evolution of food affordability for Scotland between 2006 and 2011” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2012-2013.
- Ms. Fleur Ydema on the thesis “An analysis of purchases of healthy food in the city of Edinburgh” (MSc in Environment and Development, University of Edinburgh) 2012-2013.
- Ms. Franziska Gaupp on the thesis “Finding the influence of weather on crop yields in Scotland – Disaggregated climate variables versus weather indexes” (MSc in Ecological Economics, University of Edinburgh) 2012-2013.
- Mr. Alexander Griffin on the thesis “The Introduction of the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange and its Effect on Prices” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2013-2014.
- Ms. Bethan Thompson on the thesis “To what extent can meat substitutes support a transition to lower-meat diets in Scotland?” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2013-2014.
- Ms. Suzanne Jackson on the thesis “Mental Health Services: food and procurement. The views of service users’ in Inverness, a pilot study” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2014-2015.
- Ms. Naomi Joswiak on the thesis “The nutritional impact of the uptake of orange fleshed sweet potatoes on Uganda’s diet” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2015-2016.
- Ms. Rachel Kingston on the thesis “An analysis of potential measures to mitigate price variability for Irish milk producers” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2015-2016.
- Ms. Zeina Fakhereddin on the thesis “An analysis of the dynamics of food security of individuals in Yemen” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2015-2016.
- Mr. Gareth Gorst on the thesis “Assessing the impact of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union on the consumption of fruit and vegetables in the UK and the potential impact on nutrition” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2016-2017.
- Ms. Myriam Faucher on the thesis “Investing in African orphan crops: the case for alternative cereals in Malawi” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2017-2018. (Prize for Best Food Security Dissertation, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh).
- Ms. Hasibi Zavala-Nacul on the thesis “Contribution of the informal milk market to food security in Kenya” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2018-2019. (Prize for Best Food Security Dissertation and Prize for the Best Agricultural Dissertation (Henry Gilbert Miller Prize), School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh)
- Ms. Yuwei Yang on the thesis “Variety seeking in the supply for potato crisps” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2019-2020.
- Ms. Kangwen Jiang on the thesis “Trends on the introduction of vegan/vegetarian new food products in the UK market” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2019-2020.
- Ms. Yuxin Li on the thesis “New Product Development in the Chinese Dairy Market: Trends Towards Safer and Healthier Products” (MSc. in Food Security, University of Edinburgh) 2019-2020.
I have served as supervisor for the following PhD students:
- Mr. Luca Cacciolatti (with the Business School, University of Kent) 2007-2010 on the area of SMEs branding in Scotland. Second supervisor.
- Mr. Neil Chalmers (with the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh) 2012-2015 on the topic of consumption of low carbon food. First supervisor.
- Ms. Bethan Thompson (with the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh) 2014-2016 on the topic of waste along the dairy supply chain.
I am currently supervisor of the following PhD students:
- Ms. Olivia Placzek (with Bournemouth University, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics) 2016-2020 on supermarket promotions, obesity and food demand.
- Mr. Fernando Agra-Lorenzo (with Glasgow University, Adam Smith Business School) 2017-2020 on collaborative relationships on dairy supply chain.
- Ms. Wina Halim (with the University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science) 2019-2022 on agrifood supply chains in Indonesia.
Additional teaching
- I am currently teaching two online courses: ‘Economics of Food Supply Chains and Food Safety’ for the MSc in Food Safety (The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh) and ‘'Frameworks to Assess Food Security’ for the MSc Food Security Distance Learning (Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security (GAAFS), The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh).
- I teach the class of “Market structure” which is part of the joint GAAFS-SRUC BSc Degree Programme in Agricultural Economics.
- I am currently developing two courses for the above BSc Degree Programme in Agricultural Economics: “Operation of agri-food supply chains” and “Advanced agricultural economics modelling tools”.
- I was until 2017 course organiser of the postgraduate course: 'Frameworks to assess Food Security' (PGGE11164), which is part of the MSc Science in Food Security of the University of Edinburgh (School of Geosciences). As part of MSc in Food Security, I have lectured on the modules ‘Frameworks of Food Security’ and ‘Interrelationship in Food Security’. In addition, I took part of the 2012 and 2013 MSc’s study tour to Italy (visits to FAO, WFP, IFAD in Rome, to the University of Parma and to the Jomo Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya). I still contribute to the Frameworks organising a roundtable where the students are exposed to complementary views of food security.
- I contributed from February 2012 to February 2016 with three lectures on e-commerce marketing to the Master on International Marketing at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Zaragoza (CIHEAM). In addition, I was invited to lecture on food supply chains and e-marketing at the Special Course: E-Business and E-Marketing along the agri-food supply chain: recent developments (June 2015).
- During Fall 2012 I co-lectured with Professor Doo Bong Han the undergraduate course of ‘International Agricultural Policy’ for students from the Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Korea. As part of this course, I taught European agricultural policy, international trade negotiations, food security, and agricultural policy in Developing Countries.
- Economic modelling: reducing health harms of foods high in fat, sugar or salt (coordinator). Project for the Scottish Government (Value: £94K).
- The impact of mandatory written dairy contracts in European countries and their potential application in Scotland 2018-19 (coordinator). Project for the Scottish Government (Value: £56K). Available online:
- An assessment of the opportunities to retain and increase sheep and lamb processing in Scotland (team member). Project for the Scottish Government. Available online: essing-scotland/
- Formulating Value Chains for Orphan Crops in Africa 2017-19 (coordinator). BBSRC-GCRF Foundation Awards for Global Agriculture and Food Systems Research project (Value: £581K).
- The Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) Strategic Research Programme 2016-2021. Theme 3 – Food and Health (Lead of RD 3.1.1, RD 3.1.2, WP 3.3) (Value: £600K).
- Development of the TNS/Kantar Worldpanel database for food demand analysis SAC/SRUC Project (Development and capital funds), 2010-present.
- University of Glasgow (Department of Economics) – SRUC - PhD Studentship (Value of contract £75.3K) - Mitigating producers’ income fluctuations through collaborative supply chains in the dairy sector 2017-20.
- Bournemouth University (Department of Economics) – SRUC - PhD Studentship (Value of contract £48K) - Supermarket Promotions, Obesity and Food Demand 2016-19.
- SRUC-TEAGASC PhD Studentship (Value of contract £75.3K) - Using retailing information to maximise cattle producers’ returns.
- “Mobilising Agro-Food Expertise” (ERASMUS+ MAFE) (SRUC Coordinator) 2014-2017. ERASMUS+ Project (Value of SRUC contract €30K).
- SRUC-University of Edinburgh PhD studentship -The impact of information on food waste prevention in the Scottish dairy supply chain (together with Policy Analysis and Innovation Team).
- “SUSDIET: Implementing sustainable diets in Europe” (SRUC Coordinator and WP3 Coordinator) 2014-2017. ERANET SUSFOOD Project funded by Defra (Value of SRUC contract £200K). Report published by Defra at: Document=14311_SUSDIETSRUCFinalReportSep2018.pdf
- RERAD Seedcorn SRUC PhD Studentship - Demand for Low Carbon Products (Value of contract £86.4K)
- Assessing the Contribution of the Dairy Sector to Economic Growth and Food Security in Malawi 2012-15 (coordinator). Research project for ESRC-DFID (Value: £432K).
- The Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) Research Programme 2011-2015. Theme 4 (WP 4.1) and Theme 5 (WP 5.1 (coordinator of the work on Sustainable Food Supply Chains and Food Security) (Value: 543K).
- “Evaluation of the EU Sugar Reform and Restructuring” SAC Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2010-11.
- “Game Changers” Project for the Scottish Government, 2010-11.
- “Analysis of impacts of the EU's export refunds on developing countries since 2003” SAC Project for the UK Department for International Development (DFID), (coordinator) 2010.
- “Analysis of red and processed meat purchases in Scotland using representative supermarket panel data” SAC Project for the Food Standards Agency - Scotland, 2009.
- “Assessing the potential for undesirable 'land abandonment' (or land use change) to result from further CAP reform or trade liberalisation (FFG0902)” SAC Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2009-10.
- “Agricultural efficiency at the farm level in the UK and EU Member States 2002 - 2008/09; country and farm type comparisons”. SAC Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2010
- “Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of 2003 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Reforms and the Likely Implications of the CAP 'Health Check' Regulations in England”. SAC Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2010
- “Modelling micro-econometric supply curves for beef, sheep and dairy”. SAC Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2010
- “Rural Scotland in Focus” SAC Project (Development Funds), 2009.
- “Assessing the Effect of the Rise in Food Prices on the Purchasing Power of Consumers in Scotland” SAC Project for the Scottish Government.
- RERAD Research Programme 2005-2010. Programme 1 (WP 1.1, WP 1.2, WP 1.3, WP 1.5 (manager)), Programme 3 (WP 3.1).
- “The future of food in Scotland: analysis of responses to the national discussion” SAC Project for the Scottish Government, 2008.
- “Mountain Agrofood products in Europe, their consumers, retailers and local initiatives”. FP6 Project coordinated by ENITAC-Clermont Ferrand for the European Commission. 2006-2009.
- “Key Factors Influencing Economic Relationships and Communication In European Food Chains”. FP6 Project coordinated by Bonn University for the European Commission. 2005-2008.
- “Consumer Insight for Farmers and Small Food Producers in Scotland”. SAC Project for Scottish Enterprise, 2007-2010.
- “Effects of Partial Decoupling in the EU on the Agricultural Single Market”. SAC Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2008.
- “Estimating the Environmental Impacts of Pillar I Reform and the Potential Implications for Axis II funding”. SAC and ADAS project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
- “The implications of CAP reform and other agricultural supply influences for the Scottish red meat, milk and cereal supply chains. (IMCAPT)”. SAC project for the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD), 2006.
- “Project to Assess Future Options for Set-Aside”. Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2005.
- “A Model for Farmland Prices in England”. Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Project for Bidwells Rural Division, 2005.
- “Estimation of Grains used as Feed on Farms in the UK”. Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Project for the Home Grown Cereal Authority (UK), 2004.
- “Economic, Social and Environmental Implications of EU Sugar Regime Reform”. Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 2004. Available online at
Education/Academic qualification
PhD, PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics. Thesis: Storage and Commodity Price Behavior, University of California at Davis
Award Date: 2 Apr 2001
Master, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University
Award Date: 2 Aug 1993
Other, Licenciatura in Social Sciences with specialisation in Economics, , Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Award Date: 5 Jul 1990
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RESAS 22-27: Ri-b5-04 Understanding The Scottish Food Supply Chain
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Food expensiveness in remote areas of Scotland: A natural experiment measuring the out-shopping effect
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Award for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Research
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