12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Kaia Waxenberg with the persons below:
Andrew Barnes
- Rural Economy Environment And Society, Rural Development & Food Marketing - Head of Department
- Scotland's Rural College - Head of Department
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Vera Eory
- Rural Economy Environment And Society, Sustainable Ecosystems - Reader
- Scotland's Rural College - Reader
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Naomi Fox
- Animal And Veterinary Sciences, Disease Systems - Lecturer
- Scotland's Rural College - Lecturer
Person: Academic contract that is research only
John Holland
- Integrated Land Management, Hill & Mountain Research Centre - Research Fellow
- Scotland's Rural College - Research Fellow
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Michael MacLeod
- Rural Economy Environment And Society, Sustainable Ecosystems - Reader
- Scotland's Rural College - Reader
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Claire Morgan-Davies
- Integrated Land Management, Hill & Mountain Research Centre - Reader
- Scotland's Rural College - Reader
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Shailesh Shrestha
- Rural Economy Environment And Society, Rural Development & Food Marketing - Research Fellow
- Scotland's Rural College - Research Fellow
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Luiza Toma
- Rural Economy Environment And Society, Rural Development & Food Marketing - Reader
- Agriculture & Business Management, Biorefining And Advanced Materials Research Centre
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Kairsty Topp
- Crop And Soils, CSS : Soils & Systems - Professor
- Food Security Challenge Centre
- Scotland's Rural College - Professor
Person: Academic contract that is research only
Christine Watson
- Rural Land Use, New North Agri Cost Centre - Associate Dean - Academic
- Food Security Challenge Centre
- Scotland's Rural College - Associate Dean - Academic
Person: Academic contract that is research only