Activities per year
- 13 results
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Improving health and wellbeing through green infrastructure - What do older people have to say?
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Jun 2022Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Planting for positivity in a pandemic: a reflection on gardening for health and wellbeing of older adults.
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Interdisciplinary research: pulling together hard environmental geography and public health
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Community food growing in a pandemic - an ageing perspective
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Feb 2021Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Nature benefits us
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Nov 2020Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Improving the health of older people through community-based environmental projects
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Jun 2020Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Natural environments to improve health and wellbeing: Brain, body and blood
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Dec 2020Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Care Farming and Community Gardening: Improving the health of older people through green infrastructure
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Apr 2019Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Care farming and community gardening: Improving the health of older adults through green infrastructure
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Aug 2019Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Investigation of the perceived barriers and opportunities for community energy across deprived areas of Scotland
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
May 2019Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Older adults taking part in the environment - what is the benefit?
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Sept 2019Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Can environmental projects help older people's health?
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Jul 2019Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation
Effects that natural spaces across Greater Manchester districts - specifically within community gardens and farming projects.
Mitchell, L. (Speaker)
Oct 2019Activity: Talk, evidence or presentation types › Oral presentation