Consultancy Services for Rural & Agricultural Development - Maximising the potential in the Islands of Orkney, Shetland and Outer Hebrides

Project Details


An assessment of the potential impact of agricultural policy reforms - as outlines in the Agriculture and Rural Communities Bill - in the Outer Hebrides, Orkney Isles and Shetland Isles. This will involve a statistical profile with local context of the various islands within each local authority - looking at agricultural data, rural society and rural economy data and using that with agricultural policy expertise to assess relative strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of policy changes in these areas
Short titleNorth & West Islands Agricultural Policy Impacts
Effective start/end date4/12/2325/03/24


  • agricultural policy
  • shetland
  • orkney
  • western isles
  • outer hebridies
  • crofting
  • agriculture
  • rural economy
  • agriculture bill
  • SWOT


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