Project Details
Undertake consultation of the proposed woodland creation project; consultees to be agreed with Scottish Forestry.
• Undertake a peat depth survey on a 50m grid, targeted at areas of peat identified by Direct Ecology.
• Walk the site along transects at 100m intervals to gather data and information on soils, topography, hydrology, bracken, landscape and other factors which may have a bearing on the design of the woodland. Process and check gathered data into a format suitable for use in GIS.
• Undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening including draft woodland design and other associated maps using all survey data (habitat and breeding bird surveys to be supplied by KF Forestry) and consultation feedback; draft woodland design to be agreed with KF Forestry. Reconsult with all consultees on draft woodland design, negotiate changes where appropriate (with agreement from KF Forestry). EIA screening form and revised woodland design (with approval from KF Forestry) to be submitted to Scottish Forestry for determination on whether EIA consent is required or not.
• Respond to Scottish Forestry feedback.
• Finalise woodland design (to be approved by KF Forestry).
• Prepare and submit FGS grant application and associated maps and documents.
• Provide updated cashflows based on design.
• Provide regular updates to KF Forestry on progress throughout the project.
• Provide any other forestry-related advice or service to KF Forestry as requested.
• Undertake a peat depth survey on a 50m grid, targeted at areas of peat identified by Direct Ecology.
• Walk the site along transects at 100m intervals to gather data and information on soils, topography, hydrology, bracken, landscape and other factors which may have a bearing on the design of the woodland. Process and check gathered data into a format suitable for use in GIS.
• Undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening including draft woodland design and other associated maps using all survey data (habitat and breeding bird surveys to be supplied by KF Forestry) and consultation feedback; draft woodland design to be agreed with KF Forestry. Reconsult with all consultees on draft woodland design, negotiate changes where appropriate (with agreement from KF Forestry). EIA screening form and revised woodland design (with approval from KF Forestry) to be submitted to Scottish Forestry for determination on whether EIA consent is required or not.
• Respond to Scottish Forestry feedback.
• Finalise woodland design (to be approved by KF Forestry).
• Prepare and submit FGS grant application and associated maps and documents.
• Provide updated cashflows based on design.
• Provide regular updates to KF Forestry on progress throughout the project.
• Provide any other forestry-related advice or service to KF Forestry as requested.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/09/21 → 31/08/22 |
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