119. Genetic parameters of novel behaviour traits derived from social network analysis in pigs

S. Agha, S. Foister, R. Roehe, S.P. Turner, A. Doeschl-Wilson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Social network analysis (SNA) has provided novel traits that describe the role of individual pigs in aggression. The objectives were to estimate the genetic parameters for these SNA traits and quantify their genetic association with skin lesions. Pigs were video recorded for 24h post-mixing. The observed fight and bullying behaviour of each animal was used as input for the SNA. Skin lesions were counted on different body parts at 24h (SL24h) and 3wk (SL3wk) post-mixing. A Bayesian approach estimated the genetic parameters of SNA traits and their association with skin lesions. SNA traits were heritable (h2=0.18 to 0.26) and strongly genetically correlated (rg>0.88). Positive genetic correlations were observed between 3 of the 4 studied SNA centrality traits with anterior SL24h, although they showed negative genetic correlations with anterior SL3wk. This study provides a first step towards potential integration of SNA traits into a multi-trait selection index for improving pigs’ welfare.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP)
Subtitle of host publicationTechnical and species orientated innovations in animal breeding, and contribution of genetics to solving societal challenges
PublisherWageningen Academic Publishers
Publication statusFirst published - 9 Feb 2023


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