A sum of incidentals or a structural problem? The true nature of food waste in the metropolitan region of Barcelona

R Diaz-Ruiz, M Costa-Font, F Lopez-i-Gelats, JM Gil

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Addressing the generation of food waste is a major challenge nowadays. An increasing interest in studying food waste generation has emerged over the last decade. However, little attention has been devoted to understanding the root of the problem by carrying out a whole-supply-chain analysis and applying multidimensional approaches. The aim of this paper was to identify the causes of food waste in the metropolitan region of Barcelona along the food supply chain, considering the relevant stakeholders’ perceptions. Moreover, we examined the circumstantial or structural nature of the identified causes. We conducted a qualitative study consisting of 24 in-depth interviews of key stakeholders in the region along the food supply chain from October 2014 to January 2015. The interviews were analyzed by content analysis, and the main results are presented here. We used a conceptual framework that differentiates among micro, meso, and macro causes to disentangle the nature of the causes. The results from this study show the great interest of regional stakeholders in the issue of the generation of food waste and provide a complete map of the causes of food waste in the metropolitan region. From our study, we advocate that food waste is not only a sum of incidentals but it a structural problem.
Original languageEnglish
Article number3730
Number of pages19
Issue number10
Early online date17 Oct 2018
Publication statusFirst published - 17 Oct 2018


  • Barcelona metropolitan region
  • Causes
  • Food supply chain
  • Food waste
  • Interviews
  • Stakeholders


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