Agroforestry tree domestication: a primer

I Dawson, C Harwood, R Jamnadass, J Beniest

Research output: Other contributionpeer-review


Tree domestication started thousands of years ago for some species, but more recently modern knowledge has enabled scientists to work in collaboration with farmers to continue and expand these activities. The purpose of the new publication of the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) of "Agroforestry Tree Domestication: a Primer" is twofold:| First, it provides an opportunity to synthesise basic information about important tree domestication issues, using recent research results from scientists of ICRAF and collaborating institutes.|Second, it provides a resource for learners and teachers to use and contextualise for their own purposes. This manual is based on a "tree domestication course" that was organized regularly by the ICRAF training unit. The modular format of the manual allows for regular updates and inclusion of new modules in forthcoming years. We hope that the readers of this manual, once suitably'primed' on the meaning of domestication and the activities involved of selecting, propagating and bringing into cultivation superior types, will further explore and undertake research and development work on this topic. Our intention is that smallholders' livelihoods will benefit through a "second wave" of plant domestication that is focused on optimising the products and services that are provided by currently underutilised tree species
Original languageEnglish
PublisherThe World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Number of pages148
Place of PublicationNairobi, Kenya
ISBN (Print)978-92-9059-317-1
Publication statusPrint publication - 2012
Externally publishedYes


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