An exploration of antimicrobial prescribing practice and prescribing intention of vets for livestock and GPS in rural practices in Scotland P2019

K Stephen, G.A. Clarke, J Baughan

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This aim of this study is to explore antimicrobial prescribing practice and prescribing intention of vets for livestock and GPs in several overlapping rural areas, to examine promoters and barriers to optimal AM prescribing, and to explore if there are lessons which can be transferred between the two groups of prescribers.
The study used semi-structured telephone interviews based on the following predetermined set of open questions. A small group of GPs and Vets who were part of the initial scoping study were invited to participate in the qualitative study to investigate attitudes to prescribing of antibiotics.

Prescribing is a highly complex decision rather than a simple binary decision. GPs increasingly deal with co-morbidities which can make prescribing choices very complex on an individual level. Vets balance the needs and circumstances of the farmer with the health needs of livestock and the needs of one animal within the context of herd or flock health. GPs may be influenced by the psycho-social, remote location and economic needs of their patients whereas vets may be influenced by the economic value of their patients and by their business and personal relationships with farmers. Adherence to drug administration and practicalities of dosing regimens can influence prescribing practice of both GPs and vets.
Education of the public and farming communities about antimicrobial resistance would support vets and rural GPs in their efforts to reduce their levels of prescribing of antimicrobials and to engage with patients and farmers in accepting alternatives.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPrint publication - 9 Jun 2021
EventThe 3rd One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting - Online , Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 9 Jun 202111 Jun 2021


ConferenceThe 3rd One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting
Abbreviated titleOHEJP
Internet address


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