Basic Payment Regionalisation Options - Analysis of Spend and Redistribution Implications

Keith B. Matthews*, Douglas Wardell-Johnson, Dave Miller, SG Thomson, Andrew P Moxey

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefCommissioned report

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As the Scottish Government evolve agricultural policy there has been discussions on the merits of the existing 3 region Basic Payment Scheme model compared to alternatives. Analysis of redistributive impacts of support payments for a variety of region structures are presented here, with some further variations to budgets and/or payment criteria. The options include: (1) a single flat payment rate across all hectares; (2) a single flat rate payment scaled back to ’actively farmed hectares’; (3) a single flat rate payment based on standard labour requirement; (4) a 2 region model where current R2 and R3 are merged (5) the 2 regions model with SUSS budget included.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages88
Publication statusFirst published - 29 Aug 2023


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