Case studies of island repopulation initiatives

Jayne Glass, Rob McMorran, Sarah Jones, Carly Maynard, Marcus Craigie, Ashleigh Weeden

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefCommissioned reportpeer-review

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The Scottish Government has recently made several policy commitments to stem rural depopulation and attract more people to live and work in rural and island communities. This report presents Scottish and international examples of successful policy interventions to support repopulation of island and remote rural communities, which could be piloted in similar communities in Scotland. The report considers examples from six countries, including Scotland.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherScotland's Rural College (SRUC)
Number of pages44
Publication statusPrint publication - 2020


  • islands
  • repopulation
  • rural development
  • rural community resilience
  • Scotland


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