Ecosystem markets and land use in England

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefPolicy Brief

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This briefing explores the potential role of ecosystem markets in supporting climate, biodiversity and other policy targets, including risk, opportunities and policy options that the House of Lords Select Committee on Land Use may wish to consider. It will:
• Identify key opportunities that responsible private investment in ecosystem markets provides for enabling sustainable food production, supporting new business models for farmers and addressing the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss;
• Outline the risks that unregulated private investment may pose to achieving policy reform, in particular to achieving a just transition to net zero; and
• Summarise key questions to be addressed on the role of private investment as part of the design of the future public policy and funding proposals.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusFirst published - 3 Feb 2022

Bibliographical note

Policy brief presented to House of Lords Land Use Inquiry


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