Effect of light restriction on the performance of broilers fed conventional and non-conventional growth promoters

A Mahmud, FM Khattak, Z Ali, Shafique-Ur-Rahman, M Kamran

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This study was performed to investigate the effect of light restriction (RL) on performance of broilers fed conventional and non conventional growth promoters. One hundred and eighty day-old broiler chicks were randomly distributed into four groups (A, B, C and D), each having five replicates. The experimental period was 42 days and all the birds were reared in an open house. Groups A and B were reared under continuous light and given diet containing conventional (Zinc bacitracin: 0.5 gms/kg of feed) and non conventional growth promoters (Botanical growth promoter 1 (B.G.P 1):1 gms/kg of feed), respectively. Group C and D received regular light (RL: 20 hrs light and 4 hrs dark) and were fed same conventional and non conventional growth promoter, respectively. Weight gain, feed intake and FCR were not affected by either LR or feeding conventional and non-conventional growth promoters. However, microbial count was higher in groups fed diets containing conventional growth promoters as compared to those given non conventional growth promoters. Significantly higher (P<0.05) mortality was found in group A (8.8%) compared to C (6.6%), B (4.4%) and D (0%). Light restriction didn’t affect growth performance of the broilers, yet overall economic performance was improved due to reduced mortality and cost of electricity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)463 - 467
Number of pages5
JournalSarhad Journal of Agriculture
Issue number3
Publication statusFirst published - 2009

Bibliographical note



  • Broilers
  • Conventional growth promoters
  • Light restriction
  • Non-conventional growth promoters


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