Evaluating new digital technologies through a framework of resilience

E Roberts, J Farrington, S Skerratt

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This paper explores how an evaluative framework of resilience might be utilised to assess the impact of new digital technologies. This paper outlines key themes and indicators from recent literature on community-level and rural resilience and incorporates insights from work on digital inclusion and rural information and communication technologies to build a framework of rural community resilience. It then highlights a successful case study carried out by the Digital Engagement and Resilience project and describes some of the methodological challenges that can be encountered in cross-cutting evaluative work in a digital economy context. Finally, it contextualises this work in the current policy climate of rural digital agendas to stress the growing need for holistic and critical approaches to ‘resilience’.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)253 - 264
Number of pages12
JournalScottish Geographical Journal
Issue number3-4
Publication statusFirst published - 16 Oct 2015


  • Digital inclusion
  • ICTs
  • Resilience
  • Rural broadband


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