Measurement of Antimicrobial Usage: What Can We Learn Across Livestock Sectors?

RW Humphry, I Hutchinson, P. J. Skuce, GJ Gunn, A. Hayward, Maria Rodrigues da Costa, MK Henry

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefCommissioned report

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Microbes (e.g., bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi) can become resistant to clinical or veterinary drugs (antimicrobials) that are used to treat disease. This has major consequences for how microbial diseases are managed and, therefore, how antimicrobial compounds should be used. Measuring antimicrobial usage (AMU) is a way to monitor the amount of medicines/chemicals that enter the food-chain, and the environment and this could help to reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

This project, funded by the SEFARI Gateway, focused on the use of antimicrobials in livestock production, where it is essential to gauge and direct progress towards reducing AMU as an important part of reducing AMR. More specifically, this project brought together experts from across the livestock sectors, policy and research, through two online workshops, to discuss the current mechanisms for measuring AMU and offer potential lessons that can be learnt. By working together, we saught to provide a collective insight into the fast-changing and diverse set of approaches available in measuring AMU, and this should better inform practice.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodySEFARI – Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes
Number of pages1
Publication statusPrint publication - 24 Nov 2023


  • antimicrobial
  • resistance
  • usage


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