Phocoenobacter: Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pasteurellales Pasteurellaceae

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Abstract'ter. N.L. fem. n. phocoena derived from Gr. fem. n. phokaina porpoise; M.L. masc. n. bacter rod; M.L. masc. n. Phocoenobacter a rod from a porpoise. Proteobacteria / Gammaproteobacteria / Pasteurellales / Pasteurellaceae / Phocoenobacter Cells spherical, ovoid, or rod shaped, 0.2–0.5 × 0.5–1.0 μm. Occasional longer forms occur. Some cells demonstrate bipolar staining. Gram-negative. Nonmotile. Facultative anaerobes. Optimum temperature for growth, 37°C. Do not require X or V factors for growth. No growth occurs on MacConkey agar. Catalase negative, oxidase positive. Nitrate is reduced to nitrite. Voges–Proskauer positive. Arginine dihydrolase, ornithine decarboxylase, lysine decarboxylase, urease, and indole are not produced. Acid produced from glucose. Isolated from a porpoise. DNA G + C content (mol%): 41.5 (Tm).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria
PublisherBergey's Manual Trust
ISBN (Electronic)9781118960608
Publication statusFirst published - 31 Dec 2020


  • Phocoenobacter
  • Phocoenobacter uteri
  • porpoise
  • Pasteurellaceae


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