Potential Market Opportunities for Hempseed and Fibre in Scotland

Wisdom Dogbe*, C Revoredo-Giha

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefResearch reportpeer-review

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The production of this report was funded by the Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes (SEFARI) Gateway, as part of their fellowship scheme, which are bespoke opportunities coconstructed with key partners to deliver solutions to priority policy and practice needs. By adopting desk-based research, primary and secondary data analysis, the first part of the report aims to summarize, collate, and synthesize results from existing research on hemp production worldwide. It gathers online data from published scientific and grey literature, and government published data such as FAOSTATS, EUROSTAT, and HMRC data. The second part of the report relies on secondary data from the Global New Product Database (GNPD) which contains information on hemp-based products launched by major retail supermarkets and manufacturers from 1997 to 2021 in Europe and North America. This information was used to assess trends in product development in the hemp market. The final part of the report analyses the supply chains for hempseed and fibre in Scotland using primary data collect from farmers in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, and along the Scottish borders. The information obtained was used to assess the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats faced by the sector. The report concluded with strong and time bound recommendations necessary to advance the Scottish hemp sector.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages86
Publication statusPrint publication - 11 Oct 2022


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