Putting Co-design into practice: Learnings from New Zealand's agri-food sector - Policy Spotlight

ES Beechener

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefPolicy Brief

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Globally, the agri-food sector is seeking to rebalance food production and environmental protection with a view to securing a more resilient and sustainable future for both. In post-Brexit England, the Agricultural Transition Plan will accelerate this process. Central among the guiding principles informing roll-out is a commitment to co-design: a joined-up approach to decision making, enacted via collaboration with multiple and diverse stakeholders. These principles are familiar to some but new to others and, as such they risk giving rise to concerns that may disrupt roll-out. To better anticipate these concerns, this policy brief highlights lessons learned from the Primary Innovation Programme, a five-year study of in-field collaboration in the context of New Zealand's agri-food sector.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherScotland's Rural College (SRUC)
Number of pages7
VolumeLand use and land reform
Publication statusPrint publication - 6 Jan 2022

Publication series

NamePolicy Spotlight

Rural Policy Centre Themes

  • Food, health and wellbeing


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