Rural Scotland in Focus - 2012

S Skerratt, J Atterton, C Hall, DI McCracken, A Renwick, C Revoredo-Giha, A Steinerowski, SG Thomson, MR Woolvin, John H Farrington, Fiona Heeson

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefCommissioned report

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This report is the second in the Rural Scotland in Focus series and aimed to provide a fast-track to evidence, commentary on key themes, and an extensive compendium of resources.
The 2012 report set out the economic, social and demographic characteristics of rural Scotland, how these were changing and the implications of these changes for policy and practice. Topics covered in the report include:

- How have Scotland’s rural population, economy and environment changed since the 2010 report?
- Towns and rural Scotland: vibrant or vulnerable?
- What is the role of the private sector in the resilience of rural Scotland?
- The third sector and civil society in rural Scotland: present and future?
- Next generation broadband in rural Scotland: mobilising, meeting and anticipating demand.
- What are the implications for rural Scotland of a low carbon future

The evidence and commentary was aimed at stimulating debate around securing thriving communities, a strong economy and a sustainable environment for rural Scotland, now and in the future. At the launch of the report - in Edinburgh on Monday May 28th 2012 the debate was kicked off with an 'SAC Rural Question Time' chaired by writer, broadcaster and commentator Lesley Riddoch and featuring five high profile panelists with expertise and influence in the rural sector. The panelists were:

- Donald Macrae (Chief Economist Lloyds Banking Group Scotland)
- Dr Joan Mitchell (Farmer, Chair of SNH's Scientific Advisory Committe and former Chair of the Southern Uplands Partnership)
- Chris Savage (Estate Factor at Cassillis Estate, Ayrshire)
- Professor Mark Shucksmith (Professor of Planning at Newcastle University and Chair of the Scottish Government's Committee of Inquiry into Crofting, 2007-08)
- Andy Wightman (Independent writer and researcher)

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages105
Publication statusPrint publication - 2012


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