Temperate forage legumes

J. Frame, J. F.L. Charlton, A. S. Laidlaw

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefBookpeer-review

241 Citations (Scopus)


This volume brings together all aspects of the basic biology and associated production practices of temperate forage legumes. Emphasis is placed on the importance of understanding plant characteristics and their consequences in terms of forage output, quality and utilization by livestock. The introduction considers the history, current extent, benefits and limits of temperate forage legume usage. Subsequent chapters are dedicated to an examination of each species, dealing with their origin, morphology, physiology, ecology, nitrogen fixing capability, cultivars, seed production, nutritive value and productivity. The following species are covered: white clover, lucerne, red clover, subterranean clover, birdsfoot trefoil, greater lotus, alsike clover, sainfoin, serrandellas, sulla and tagasaste.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherCAB International
ISBN (Print)0851992145
Publication statusPrint publication - 1 Jan 1998


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