Temporal and Spatial Positioning of Service Crops in Cereals Affects Yield and Weed Control.

Elsa Lagerquist*, Alexander Menegat, A Sigrun Dahlin, David Parsons, CA Watson, Per Stahl, Anita Gunnarsson, Göran Bergkvist

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Leguminous service crops (SCs) can provide multiple services to cropping systems, reducing the reliance on external resources if sufficient biomass is produced. However, rapid light and temperature reductions limit post-harvest cultivation of SCs in Northern Europe. A novel practice of intercropping SCs in two consecutive crops (spring–winter cereal) to extend the period of SCs growth,
and hence improve yield and reduce weeds, was tested. Three spatial and temporal arrangements of SCs and cash crops were investigated, as well as three SC mixtures, characterized by their longevity and frost sensitivity. Compared to no SC, the best performing mixture, frost-tolerant annuals, increased grain and N yield of winter wheat by 10% and 19%, respectively, and reduced weed biomass
by 15% and 26% in oats and winter wheat, respectively. These effects were attributed to high biomass production and winter survival. However, this SC reduced oat yields by 15% compared to no SC. Furthermore, SC growth and service provision varied largely between experiments, driven by the weather conditions. Extending the SC’s growth period by intercropping in two consecutive cereal crops has potential, but locally adapted species choices and establishment strategies are needed to ensure SC vitality until termination.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1398
Issue number9
Early online date5 Sept 2022
Publication statusFirst published - 5 Sept 2022


  • cropping systems
  • innovation
  • legume service crops
  • nitrogen dynamics
  • relay intercropping
  • weeds
  • yield


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