Testing the effectiveness of oath script in reducing hypothetical bias in Contingent Valuation Method

T de Magistris, F Akaichi, K Ben Youssef

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The objective of our study is to investigate the effect of the oath script (HO) in an hypothetical Contingent Valuation survey in a Mediterranean country (e.g. Italy). Hence, we conducted CE surveys with three treatments: (1) CE without a cognitive task, (2) CE with a CT script, and (3) CE with a HO. Our findings showed that the effectiveness of HO script depends on participants’ socio-demographic characteristics. For instance, we found that HO script could help to reduce the hypothetical bias for people who possess a high educational level in contrast with those people with low education and low income. Hence, our findings suggest that the oath script not only does not a guarantee the reduction of hypothetical bias but also does not explain the mixed results found in the previous studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)378 - 384
Number of pages7
JournalAgricultural Economics - Czech
Publication statusFirst published - 2016


  • Cheap talk script
  • Contingent Valuation
  • Oath script
  • Willingness-To-Pay


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