The effect of Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract on the growth of fungi and ciliate protozoa in the rumen

C.J. Newbold, R. Brock, R.J. Wallace

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


When added to the diet of sheep, 2 g/d, Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract (AO) stimulated total and cellulolytic bacterial numbers in rumen fluid by 34 and 90% respectively. AO had no effect on the numbers of protozoa or fungal zoospores. AO did not affect hydrogen production by the rumen fungi Neocallimastix frontalis (RE1), N. patriciarum (CX) or Piromonas communis (P) in pure culture or protozoal activity in vitro, estimated from the rate of breakdown of [14C] leucine‐labelled Selenomonas ruminantium. It was concluded that increases in ruminal fibre digestion observed previously in animals fed AO, were most likely due to a stimulation of bacteria rather than eukaryotes in the rumen microbial population.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-112
Number of pages4
JournalLetters in Applied Microbiology
Issue number3
Publication statusPrint publication - 1992
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Cited By :12

Export Date: 18 May 2019


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