The future of youth in rural areas: responsibilities of local and regional authorities: Expert report to the Council of Europe Congress of Regional and Local Authorities Current Affairs Committee

Jayne Glass*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefCommissioned reportpeer-review

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Jayne was commissioned by the Current Affairs Committee to act as an external expert and write the underpinning report that informed the resolution and recommendation that were adopted by the Committee in March 2022.

Summary of the report

This report draws attention to the specific challenges faced by young people growing up in rural communities, including regarding access to education, employment, and affordable housing. It notes that young people in rural areas have less opportunities than their urban peers to participate in public and political life and provides a framework for local and regional authorities on how to provide better support for young people to be able to stay in rural areas.

In a resolution, the Congress calls on local and regional authorities to address these challenges in their policies, to provide support to rural youth organisations and to acknowledge the role of rural youth in safeguarding cultural heritage and rural traditions. It encourages them to promote youth participation, paying particular attention to youth from vulnerable and minority groups. It encourages associations of local and regional authorities to support rural municipalities to improve services provided to rural youth and young people’s awareness of them.

In a recommendation, the Congress calls on governments of the member States to support rural youth via national youth, employment and housing policies and to ensure appropriate infrastructure in rural areas in order to provide equitable delivery of public services.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyCouncil of Europe - Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Number of pages27
Publication statusPrint publication - 24 Mar 2022


  • rural
  • young people
  • youth
  • local auhorities
  • social exclusion
  • infrastructure
  • equality
  • communities
  • engagement


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