What is place-based rural policy and what evidence base does it need? Research and knowledge exchange activities

Jonathan Hopkins*, Andrew Copus, Ruth Wilson, J Atterton

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/Report/Policy Brief/Technical BriefResearch report

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This report summarises some of the activities which have taken place within Objective 5 of a research project on place-based policy and service delivery in rural Scotland (RD3.4.2: ‘Place-based policy and its implications for policy and service delivery’ of the 2016-2021 Strategic Research Programme). Several of these activities have been primarily knowledge exchange activities, aiming to increase wider awareness of debates about place-based policy and encourage stakeholder discussion. This report also outlines the context to the work in Objective 5.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusPrint publication - Dec 2018

Bibliographical note

This report should be cited as: Hopkins, J., Copus, A., Wilson, R., & Atterton, J. (2018). What is place-based rural policy and what evidence base does it need? Research and knowledge exchange activities. RESAS RD3.4.2 ‘Place-based
policy and its implications for policy and service delivery’ activity summary report.


  • place-based policy
  • rural
  • rural development
  • rural policy
  • community development


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